Knowledge, Not College

Get Credly-certified.

GSV has teamed up with Credly to offer a digital badge to Startup Bootcamp participants. A participant can be ‘GSV Startup Certified’ by submitting a weekly update to show a basic understanding of, and engagement in, the GSV Startup Bootcamp.

The digital badge will certify that a participant understands the basics of building and pitching a startup and has demonstrated a basic understanding of entrepreneurship, the mindset required for success, MVP and product development, basic startup finance, growth strategies, and team and culture impacts on organizations—and that they’ve learned how to create and present an investor pitch!

You must submit a weekly update for each week in order to be eligible to earn the badge. These updates will help you keep track of your progress over time. An update should take at most 15 minutes to complete.

Note that if your company has more than one co-founder, only one founder needs to submit the weekly update. You won’t be able to submit another update for the week if one of your co-founders has already submitted one. However, you can edit it anytime during the week.

Click here to complete the form for SBII Week 1

Click here to complete the form for SBII Week 2

Click here to complete the form for SBII Week 3

Click here to complete the form for SBII Week 4

Click here to complete the form for SBII Week 5

Click here to complete the form for SBII Week 6


Credly SBII badge